Legislation Drafting Training program in partnership with the local government

With the objective of supporting the local level in formulating laws that they need, the NLS has worked with The Asia Foundation to support on Legislation Drafting Training.

Following the promulgation of the new Constitution in 2015, the NLS has worked extensively in supporting and empowering them. In this connection, the NLS worked with MOFAGA and provided technical support in the formulation of Local Government Operation Act, 2017, its advocacy and ongoing reforms.

The NLS has also been engaged in providing Legislation Drafting Training to the local level. Such trainings were provided to both the first batch of elected local level officials (after the first election in 2017) and to the second batch (after the second election in 2022).

As of April 2023, the NLS has conducted around 30 such training programs – majority of which were held in cost-sharing basis with concerned Municipalities and targeted at their need. The training programs were conducted with the objective of achieving quality, standard, uniformity, constitutionality and enforceability.

The training programs are typically of 3-day nature, where there are 11 working sessions – 7 theoretical sessions and 4 practical sessions, in which the participants actually worked on their draft laws. In each training program, at least 1 draft law is prepared which is subsequently presented to the local level council for the endorsement. Generally, there are 50-70 participants including mayors/chairperson, deputy mayors/vice chairperson, ward chairperson, members of legislation committee, and senior staffs. The NLS provides resource person who have legal drafting background and expertise.All the NLS experts are oriented to guide the local levels for developing GEDSI friendly draft laws.

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